Top 50 Bestselling Case Authors 2022/23: No. 26

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No. 26 - Elizabeth Grasby

Elizabeth's top bestselling cases

Browse Elizabeth's top three bestselling cases during the last year.
Reference no. 9B11B009

An entrepreneur and her father have purchased exclusive Canadian distribution rights to Nutrifusion, a new health supplement that provides servings of fruits and vegetables when added to a variety of foods. They are contemplating launching Healthy Life Group, a company to market and distribute Nutrifusion in Canada. They want to evaluate the product's financial feasibility for the company's first year of operations, ending 31 December 2011. If the financials look favourable and the business plan seems feasible, the father and daughter will proceed with the new venture.

Reference no. 9B00M002

The vice-president of National Hockey League Enterprises Canada is faced with an opportunity to pursue the development of a retail outlet dedicated to Brand NHL merchandise. He must decide among three implementation options: (1) retain control of the facility; (2) relinquish control to a management firm; or (3) retain operational control. 

Reference no. 9B08N012

Students must assess the opportunity of purchasing a business as well as evaluate the likelihood that the potential investor, as a sole proprietor, will receive the required financing. This analysis should include the 4 Cs: character, business conditions, capacity to repay and collateral analysis. This analysis will also entail the qualitative examination of the business to be purchased, the new potential owner's personal characteristics, the dental industry and the location of the proposed business. 

Bestselling case author in...

26th - 2022/2315 - 2021/2235 - 2020/21 15 - 2019/20 9 - 2018/19 13 - 2017/18

“Students are always interesting – every year classes were different with a few students who were ‘characters.’

“And I cannot imagine teaching a class without cases and the pedagogy that goes along with case teaching. It would be far less interesting and engaging for both instructor and students!

~ Elizabeth Grasby

Case method training

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Picture representing 'Case method training'
Case method training

Intensive, practical and hands-on, our case training is ideal for teachers, writers and students.

Enjoy a safe, enjoyable learning experience, plus the chance to network with colleagues.

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