Would you like to share your views about a case you’ve been teaching, or its teaching note and other related materials? Perhaps you’d like to review a management article or book chapter?
We’d love you to get involved by rating and reviewing a case. Your review will help other case teachers choose the materials they need for their courses and will also provide case writers with valuable insights into how well their case works in the classroom.
And it’s a great way to raise your public profile in our global case method community!
How to share your review
Only customers with premium access can post and read reviews and comments.
Please be positive and constructive with the aim of helping other case method practitioners with their search for suitable materials.
- Make sure that you're registered and logged in.
- Go to our online search and find the item that you’re interested in.
- Click the write a review link on the product record.
If there is already a review of a product there will be a read the review link on its record.