If you submit a case to us for distribution you may be eligible to receive royalties on any sales.
Who receives royalties?
Organisations that are members receive royalties on sales of items authored by their staff or affiliates. Royalties are paid to the copyright holding organisation, not directly to authors.
What sales are royalties paid on?
We pay royalties on sales of cases, supplementary materials, multimedia and videos.
Educator preview copies are not eligible for a royalty payment.
What is the current royalty rate?
The royalty rate for all items is 28% of the net sale value.
Sales under our Educational Case Teaching Licence and Undergraduate Case Teaching Licence attract a pro-rata royalty payment.
How are payments made?
We send the membership representative a royalty statement in April each year. Payment is made direct to the bank account of the organisation at which the case was written on provision of appropriate bank details.
Payment will be made if the sum is £100 or more. Smaller totals are carried forward to subsequent years and payment made at the end of the year in which the minimum figure has been reached. If authors believe they have any pecuniary interest in the royalties paid, they should take up the matter with the organisation to which the royalties have been paid.
How do I know if my case has sold any copies?
If you have submitted a case to us you can find information about its usage and who royalties are paid to at your organisation in your product portfolio.