If authors are in any doubt about the legal position regarding case release we suggest that they seek further advice within their institution regarding its policy on these matters.
Field researched cases
When submitting a field researched case to the journal, authors must get signed permission from the subject organisation to release the finished case for distribution.
This is normally obtained by asking the organisation to sign a form or letter, or send an email, authorising the case’s use. Download an example.
If a case is based on field research, but the company has been disguised, we still recommend that you request release from the featured company.
Should you undertake field research, but not use it in the case, we recommend that you still show the finished document to the featured company for their comments, although you will not need their formal release.
While we don’t require copies of case release documents, authors will be asked to confirm that they have them during the journal submission process.
Desk researched cases
Cases that have been prepared from published sources (e.g. press reports and journal articles) do not require formal release. However, if you have drawn extensively on a particular report then permission should be obtained from the publisher for use of the material within the case.