We understand that the case community around the world may use a variety of internet browsers and operating systems. We aim for all visitors to our website to have the best possible experience. However, we recognise that it is very difficult to develop a site that works identically, efficiently and effectively on all historic web browsers, and also delivers functionality for the latest and most modern browsers.
If you are experiencing any problems with our site please ensure you are using one of the browsers that we support. It is also important for the security of all your own internet browsing activity that you keep your browser updated to its latest version.
Supported browsers
- Chrome - version 57 and above
- Edge - version 16 and above
- Firefox - version 69 and above
- Internet Explorer - version 11 and above
- Safari - version 11 and above
Please note that our site makes extensive use of javascript and some functions (e.g. ordering) may not work if you do not have javascript enabled in your browser settings.
Opening pdfs
Adobe Reader, available free at www.adobe.com/reader, is required to open educator preview copies, online instructor materials, purchased e-downloads and invoices.
To ensure that all data passed between our website and its visitors is private and secure we use SSL encryption throughout the site.
Find more information about our site accessibility here.