A pioneer of business-related learning since 1907, ESSEC Business School’s mission is to respond to the challenges of the future. In an interconnected, technological, and uncertain world, where the tasks are increasingly complex, ESSEC offers a unique pedagogical approach. This approach is founded on the creation and dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge, a blend of academic learning and practical experience, and a multicultural openness and dialogue. ESSEC’s leadership is founded on its capacity to create new, relevant and high-impact knowledge that feeds into the school’s activities across the board. At ESSEC, innovation in learning and research is embodied in a single place and team: the Knowledge-Lab, also known as the K-Lab, inaugurated in December 2014 on ESSEC’s Cergy campus, and since extended to other spaces. A space for creativity and high-density technological learning, the K-Lab offers the opportunity to interact with experts and test, develop, and model new ideas. These activities are also conducted on the Singapore and La Défense campuses. The K-Lab's pedagogical engineers and experts provide professors and lecturers with advice on the latest technologies, software and databases, and support them in their use, whether in their classroom or online courses, the creation of pedagogical cases and videos or the design of MOOCs. In total the collection available through The Case Centre numbers 292 cases, many with accompanying instructor materials, software and videos. Seven of those are prize-winning cases. |