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Allied Business Academies
Bezanilla & Bezanilla (B&B) faces a competitive environment in the Fifth Region. Sales of dwellings experienced a 10.8% growth on average in the year 2004. Low interest rates and lower inflation supported the growth of the market. Municipal policies gave more flexibility to the construction conditions in the downtown eastern area of the city. B&B faces a dilemma: to enter or not into the real estate business by focusing on the middle and middle-lower socio economical status. Currently, their target market is the upper and upper-middle customers. B&B differentiation is the innovation design. Their pricing strategy is cost-plus margin and they are above. Location of buildings is close to the ocean or near tourist centers. When it comes to promotion at the point of sales, there was no prior planning of activities; however, the personnel at the sales room were well qualified. B&B enjoys positive word-of mouth due to prior success of construction projects. They pioneered post-sales service. A next issue examined by the case is the introducing a new brand to enter the middle and middle-lower socio economic segment; how to improve current B&B marketing strategies; whether or not the perception of the ratio price-product should be maintained in the target market, notwithstanding the entry of new competitors from the capital of Chile, Santiago. The case is meant to four, senior level regarding difficulty level. This case has been designed to be taught in 1.5 class hours and it is expected to require 4 to 5 hours of outside preparation by students.
Family business
Bezanilla & Bezanilla (B&B) faces a competitive environment in the Fifth Region. Sales of dwellings experienced a 10.8% growth on average in the year 2004. Low interest rates and lower inflation supported the growth of the market. Municipal policies gave more flexibility to the construction conditions in the downtown eastern area of the city. B&B faces a dilemma: to enter or not into the real estate business by focusing on the middle and middle-lower socio economical status. Currently, their target market is the upper and upper-middle customers. B&B differentiation is the innovation design. Their pricing strategy is cost-plus margin and they are above. Location of buildings is close to the ocean or near tourist centers. When it comes to promotion at the point of sales, there was no prior planning of activities; however, the personnel at the sales room were well qualified. B&B enjoys positive word-of mouth due to prior success of construction projects. They pioneered post-sales service. A next issue examined by the case is the introducing a new brand to enter the middle and middle-lower socio economic segment; how to improve current B&B marketing strategies; whether or not the perception of the ratio price-product should be maintained in the target market, notwithstanding the entry of new competitors from the capital of Chile, Santiago. The case is meant to four, senior level regarding difficulty level. This case has been designed to be taught in 1.5 class hours and it is expected to require 4 to 5 hours of outside preparation by students.
Family business