Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Stanford Business School
Length: 36 pages
Data source: Field research
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This case describes Intel's position and key developments in the worldwide microprocessor industry in 1993. It provides an overview of the evolution of Intel's microprocessor business strategy since the mid-1980s. The case offers rich quotes from various key players from different functional areas that can support a fairly detailed discussion of Intel's distinctive competencies and the critical linkages between its technology, marketing, manufacturing, and microprocessor business strategies in 1993. While the (A) and (C) cases describe Intel's evolution from 'memory to microcomputer' company, the (D) case describes Intel's further evolution toward becoming a 'branded products' company. Intel has boldly entered consumer (end-user) space with its 'Intel Inside' advertising campaign. The case discussion can focus on how viable a strategy this is for a components supplier like Intel. This case offers the opportunity to examine how Intel can use its strong strategic position and its powerful distinctive competencies and capabilities to secure its future as the architectural leader and sole source supplier of microprocessors.
This case describes Intel's position and key developments in the worldwide microprocessor industry in 1993. It provides an overview of the evolution of Intel's microprocessor business strategy since the mid-1980s. The case offers rich quotes from various key players from different functional areas that can support a fairly detailed discussion of Intel's distinctive competencies and the critical linkages between its technology, marketing, manufacturing, and microprocessor business strategies in 1993. While the (A) and (C) cases describe Intel's evolution from 'memory to microcomputer' company, the (D) case describes Intel's further evolution toward becoming a 'branded products' company. Intel has boldly entered consumer (end-user) space with its 'Intel Inside' advertising campaign. The case discussion can focus on how viable a strategy this is for a components supplier like Intel. This case offers the opportunity to examine how Intel can use its strong strategic position and its powerful distinctive competencies and capabilities to secure its future as the architectural leader and sole source supplier of microprocessors.