Chapter from: "Corporate Investment Decisions: Principles and Practice"
Published by:
Business Expert Press
Length: 32 pages
This chapter is excerpted from ‘Corporate Investment Decisions: Principles and Practice'. In these turbulent financial and economic times, the importance of sound investment decisions becomes a critical variable in underpinning future business success and, indeed, survival. The difficulties currently encountered globally by firms in both raising finance and making predictions concerning the future economic environment raise the already prominent role of capital budgeting in the arena of financial decision making. This book is intended for both practicing managers who require a thorough knowledge of the principles of making investment decisions in the real world and for students undertaking financial courses, whether at undergraduate, MBA, or professional levels. The subject matter encompasses relevant aspects of the investment decision, varying from a basic introduction, to the appraisal techniques available, to placing investment decisions within both strategic and international contexts, and coverage of recent developments including real options, value at risk, and environmental investments.
This chapter is excerpted from ‘Corporate Investment Decisions: Principles and Practice'. In these turbulent financial and economic times, the importance of sound investment decisions becomes a critical variable in underpinning future business success and, indeed, survival. The difficulties currently encountered globally by firms in both raising finance and making predictions concerning the future economic environment raise the already prominent role of capital budgeting in the arena of financial decision making. This book is intended for both practicing managers who require a thorough knowledge of the principles of making investment decisions in the real world and for students undertaking financial courses, whether at undergraduate, MBA, or professional levels. The subject matter encompasses relevant aspects of the investment decision, varying from a basic introduction, to the appraisal techniques available, to placing investment decisions within both strategic and international contexts, and coverage of recent developments including real options, value at risk, and environmental investments.