Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
Version: 29.01.2004
Length: 17 pages
Data source: Field research
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AVIQ was the product of the visionary zeal of its founder - Rudy Kiseljak - an electronics engineer based in German-speaking Switzerland. In 2002, multimedia caught Rudy''s imagination. As PCs and DVD players became common place, Rudy started to believe that a combination DVD, CD player, video recorder, photo-viewer and TV tuner offering also instant messaging would revolutionise in-house entertainment. He self-financed the development of the proof-of-concept machine but quickly reached the end of the line for bootstrapping: the company really needed to raise euro 1.6 million to finance the production of the AVIQ A1 ''media box'' with its user friendly software. Too small to interest ''classic'' growth financiers, he considered innovative financing techniques, most notably Direct Public Offerings (DPO) and Public Product Offerings (PPO), finally opting for the latter.
Start-up, 3 employees
Other setting(s):
Late 2003
AVIQ was the product of the visionary zeal of its founder - Rudy Kiseljak - an electronics engineer based in German-speaking Switzerland. In 2002, multimedia caught Rudy''s imagination. As PCs and DVD players became common place, Rudy started to believe that a combination DVD, CD player, video recorder, photo-viewer and TV tuner offering also instant messaging would revolutionise in-house entertainment. He self-financed the development of the proof-of-concept machine but quickly reached the end of the line for bootstrapping: the company really needed to raise euro 1.6 million to finance the production of the AVIQ A1 ''media box'' with its user friendly software. Too small to interest ''classic'' growth financiers, he considered innovative financing techniques, most notably Direct Public Offerings (DPO) and Public Product Offerings (PPO), finally opting for the latter.
Start-up, 3 employees
Other setting(s):
Late 2003