Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
Babson College
Version: April 2013
Length: 6 pages
Data source: Published sources
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Part of the Babson Classic Collection. This case presents Abigail Thomas, a fictitious MBA student contemplating taking a position with either Apple Computer or Dell Computer upon her May 2007 graduation. She is undertaking a financial analysis of the two companies to (1) practice her financial analysis skills in preparation for final round interviews, and (2) assess which company has the greater long-term potential to create shareholder wealth, and therefore be long-term viable. The case provides the most recent income statement and balance sheet for each company, and asks students to fill in a template of selected financial ratios.
Part of the Babson Classic Collection. This case presents Abigail Thomas, a fictitious MBA student contemplating taking a position with either Apple Computer or Dell Computer upon her May 2007 graduation. She is undertaking a financial analysis of the two companies to (1) practice her financial analysis skills in preparation for final round interviews, and (2) assess which company has the greater long-term potential to create shareholder wealth, and therefore be long-term viable. The case provides the most recent income statement and balance sheet for each company, and asks students to fill in a template of selected financial ratios.