Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
Version: 11.11.2003
Length: 3 pages
Data source: Published sources
This is the second of a two-case series (IMD-3-0900 and IMD-3-0901). From the original meeting in October 1998, First Tuesday had grown to 80+ cities globally with a worldwide staff of 40 by the end of June 2000. It was time to put some structure in and find ways to capitalise on the tremendous momentum created. But would this prototypical community-based ''viral organisation'' accept structure and could the buzz be converted into earning power?
This is the second of a two-case series (IMD-3-0900 and IMD-3-0901). From the original meeting in October 1998, First Tuesday had grown to 80+ cities globally with a worldwide staff of 40 by the end of June 2000. It was time to put some structure in and find ways to capitalise on the tremendous momentum created. But would this prototypical community-based ''viral organisation'' accept structure and could the buzz be converted into earning power?