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International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
Version: 13.11.2003
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This is the second of a three part case series (IMD-5-0582 to IMD-5-0584). Even though easyJet had a refund policy for delays of more than four hours, four days after her experience, Nicole Neuffer had not received any confirmation or apology from the airline. She took her story to the press and it was published in a local newspaper. In the article, an easyJet representative recognized that customers had been mistreated and that refunds would be made. This was confirmed to Nicole Neuffer mid-May when she received a letter from the airline. Before the April incident, she had booked another easyJet ticket but she now was unsure whether she would use it or not.
This is the second of a three part case series (IMD-5-0582 to IMD-5-0584). Even though easyJet had a refund policy for delays of more than four hours, four days after her experience, Nicole Neuffer had not received any confirmation or apology from the airline. She took her story to the press and it was published in a local newspaper. In the article, an easyJet representative recognized that customers had been mistreated and that refunds would be made. This was confirmed to Nicole Neuffer mid-May when she received a letter from the airline. Before the April incident, she had booked another easyJet ticket but she now was unsure whether she would use it or not.
Fiscal year 2000 revenue GBP263.7 million
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April 2000