Subject category:
Published by:
International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
Version: 24.10.2013
Length: 10 pages
Data source: Field research
This is part of a case series. At the end of the A case, Heineken had to make the decision as to whether to choose a global, glocal or local brand strategy for the Heineken brand. The company chose to go with a global brand strategy. This case addresses the reasons for this decision, the steps the company took to implement this decision, and the new challenges it faced following the implementation of the global brand strategy.
This is part of a case series. At the end of the A case, Heineken had to make the decision as to whether to choose a global, glocal or local brand strategy for the Heineken brand. The company chose to go with a global brand strategy. This case addresses the reasons for this decision, the steps the company took to implement this decision, and the new challenges it faced following the implementation of the global brand strategy.