Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
Version: 25.04.2003
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This is the second of a two-case series (IMD-3-0788 and IMD-3-0789). Xerox Europe Ltd''s take-back policy for its products, packaging and cartridges continues to create internal friction. Who would cover disposal costs of toner bottles? Who would integrate the waste free take- back policy into business systems? Whose responsibility was policy integration? These and many other issues needed to be resolved or internal support for the waste free policy would disintegrate.
This is the second of a two-case series (IMD-3-0788 and IMD-3-0789). Xerox Europe Ltd''s take-back policy for its products, packaging and cartridges continues to create internal friction. Who would cover disposal costs of toner bottles? Who would integrate the waste free take- back policy into business systems? Whose responsibility was policy integration? These and many other issues needed to be resolved or internal support for the waste free policy would disintegrate.