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Lagos Business School
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
Kaine Dosekun, the managing director of OAL (a Nigerian furniture and interior design company) is considering how to grow her current business to make up for the capacity underutilisation that the company is suffering from. Top on her agenda is a plan to create furniture solutions that appeal to the middle-income segment. Yet the variation in occupation, income earning capacity and lifestyle of this segment makes this a daunting task for OAL. Should OAL proceed with this initiative, or should it focus exclusively on growing its already existing corporate consumer segment which is responsible for the capacity underutilisation? Kaine needs to take a quick decision especially as the grey market for furniture and the consumer’s ignorance of the value of interior decoration is proving to be a formidable obstacle to OAL’s market penetration.
Kaine Dosekun, the managing director of OAL (a Nigerian furniture and interior design company) is considering how to grow her current business to make up for the capacity underutilisation that the company is suffering from. Top on her agenda is a plan to create furniture solutions that appeal to the middle-income segment. Yet the variation in occupation, income earning capacity and lifestyle of this segment makes this a daunting task for OAL. Should OAL proceed with this initiative, or should it focus exclusively on growing its already existing corporate consumer segment which is responsible for the capacity underutilisation? Kaine needs to take a quick decision especially as the grey market for furniture and the consumer’s ignorance of the value of interior decoration is proving to be a formidable obstacle to OAL’s market penetration.