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Version: 30 March 2014
Length: 13 pages
Data source: Published sources
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This case study enables a discussion on how to revive once-upon-a-time category killer, TVS 50 Moped, given the market and innovation potential. Although it was Kinetic that launched India's first ever moped (motor+ pedal), with its single-seater Luna, it was TVS 50 that made the category popular with its cult-like following in 1980s. However, with liberalization and lifestyle changes, TVS 50 Moped's brand is in danger of becoming a relic. Should it stay relevant or should it become a relic? Should TVS Motor Company Limited (TVS) plan to extend the lifecycle of the moped by appropriate respositioning? Should it be repositioned more for young women from urban areas? In pure numbers, TVS 50 family (TVS XL, TVS Champ, TVS Superchamp, TVS XL Super and TVS XL Super Heavy) accounts for almost 40% of total sales ofTVS Motors with no new plans to increase the penetration. Can TVS 50 be a game changer for TVS Motors? With 100% market share in mopeds, should TVS reposition its mopeds to reinvent itself?
This case study enables a discussion on how to revive once-upon-a-time category killer, TVS 50 Moped, given the market and innovation potential. Although it was Kinetic that launched India's first ever moped (motor+ pedal), with its single-seater Luna, it was TVS 50 that made the category popular with its cult-like following in 1980s. However, with liberalization and lifestyle changes, TVS 50 Moped's brand is in danger of becoming a relic. Should it stay relevant or should it become a relic? Should TVS Motor Company Limited (TVS) plan to extend the lifecycle of the moped by appropriate respositioning? Should it be repositioned more for young women from urban areas? In pure numbers, TVS 50 family (TVS XL, TVS Champ, TVS Superchamp, TVS XL Super and TVS XL Super Heavy) accounts for almost 40% of total sales ofTVS Motors with no new plans to increase the penetration. Can TVS 50 be a game changer for TVS Motors? With 100% market share in mopeds, should TVS reposition its mopeds to reinvent itself?