Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2005-01-21
Length: 3 pages
Data source: Generalised experience
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This case is designed to stimulate students'' reflections on ethics. The context of the case is a familiar one to most students (plagiarism on a student essay); it therefore allows them to experience more personally the range of emotions and perspectives involved in ethical issues. Yet the parallels to business ethics situations are strong, and can be discussed in depth. Students are assigned to one of two roles in advance of class (a student who has plagiarized text for an assignment and a professor), supplement cases ''A Minor Assignment: Role of Rob Thatcher'' and ''A Minor Assignment: Role of Lydia Katz'', products (''9B05C007'') and (''9B05C008'') are given out to support the roles.
This case is designed to stimulate students'' reflections on ethics. The context of the case is a familiar one to most students (plagiarism on a student essay); it therefore allows them to experience more personally the range of emotions and perspectives involved in ethical issues. Yet the parallels to business ethics situations are strong, and can be discussed in depth. Students are assigned to one of two roles in advance of class (a student who has plagiarized text for an assignment and a professor), supplement cases ''A Minor Assignment: Role of Rob Thatcher'' and ''A Minor Assignment: Role of Lydia Katz'', products (''9B05C007'') and (''9B05C008'') are given out to support the roles.