Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2009-10-22
RFA Capital Management Inc is the asset management subsidiary of Realty Financial Advisors Inc. The two principals of the company were deciding whether to bid on a recent investment opportunity. An upcoming commercial mortgage backed securities transaction was looking for a risk buyer for its high yield debt bonds and the principals were interested in participating in the transaction. This was a relatively new investment class. They wondered how they could sell this opportunity to one of RFA Capital Management''s institutional or private investors, what yield requirements they should demand and how to price these bonds. As time was a factor, they wondered whether they should bid on this investment opportunity without first lining up the capital. They also wondered what long-term opportunities this investment might provide.
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RFA Capital Management Inc is the asset management subsidiary of Realty Financial Advisors Inc. The two principals of the company were deciding whether to bid on a recent investment opportunity. An upcoming commercial mortgage backed securities transaction was looking for a risk buyer for its high yield debt bonds and the principals were interested in participating in the transaction. This was a relatively new investment class. They wondered how they could sell this opportunity to one of RFA Capital Management''s institutional or private investors, what yield requirements they should demand and how to price these bonds. As time was a factor, they wondered whether they should bid on this investment opportunity without first lining up the capital. They also wondered what long-term opportunities this investment might provide.
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