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Ivey Publishing
Version: 2001-12-11
Length: 8 pages
Data source: Field research
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Malkam Cross-Cultural Training is a provider of language and cultural diversity training. A development associate must prepare recommendations for the firm''s latest marketing campaign. The company was anxious to develop its company brand as distinct from the reputation of its founder and president. The development associate had narrowed the promotional choices to two: develop a direct mail campaign or a print advertising campaign. He must be able to gauge and monitor the success of either or both campaigns.
Malkam Cross-Cultural Training is a provider of language and cultural diversity training. A development associate must prepare recommendations for the firm''s latest marketing campaign. The company was anxious to develop its company brand as distinct from the reputation of its founder and president. The development associate had narrowed the promotional choices to two: develop a direct mail campaign or a print advertising campaign. He must be able to gauge and monitor the success of either or both campaigns.