Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Harvard Medical School, Center for Primary Care
Length: 2 pages
Data source: Field research
This supplement is to accompany the case. Eaton, Paula, the practice administrator of Martin's Point Health Care (MPHC)-Bangor, is grappling with several emerging issues: low workplace morale, the financial viability of their various team-based care models, the search for additional staff, and the future of their problem knowledge coupler (PKC), a clinical-decision support tool. The case begins by outlining these challenges and takes a deeper dive into the history and implementation of each of these four subjects. The topics are also placed into context by highlighting the patient population they serve - many are elderly with multiple chronic diseases - as well as the practice's geographic location, culture of improvement, and mindset towards change. The case closes with a meeting between Paula and two physician leaders discussing practice priorities and imminent changes that are relevant to primary care practices across the nation.
This supplement is to accompany the case. Eaton, Paula, the practice administrator of Martin's Point Health Care (MPHC)-Bangor, is grappling with several emerging issues: low workplace morale, the financial viability of their various team-based care models, the search for additional staff, and the future of their problem knowledge coupler (PKC), a clinical-decision support tool. The case begins by outlining these challenges and takes a deeper dive into the history and implementation of each of these four subjects. The topics are also placed into context by highlighting the patient population they serve - many are elderly with multiple chronic diseases - as well as the practice's geographic location, culture of improvement, and mindset towards change. The case closes with a meeting between Paula and two physician leaders discussing practice priorities and imminent changes that are relevant to primary care practices across the nation.