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Ivey Publishing
Version: 2013-04-10
Revision date: 29-May-2013
Length: 24 pages
Data source: Published sources
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Destination Products Inc is a leading developer and manager of premium, store-brand frozen food programs aimed at the growing, ready-to-cook home meal replacement market. The chairman of the company must decide on the company's growth opportunities among the product markets. He must analyse the sales and profit potential of the various markets, as well as consider purchase offers from two venture capital firms, one with no food industry focus, the other being a food industry specialist venture firm.
Destination Products Inc is a leading developer and manager of premium, store-brand frozen food programs aimed at the growing, ready-to-cook home meal replacement market. The chairman of the company must decide on the company's growth opportunities among the product markets. He must analyse the sales and profit potential of the various markets, as well as consider purchase offers from two venture capital firms, one with no food industry focus, the other being a food industry specialist venture firm.