Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2002-10-08
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
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ING Direct Canada is a retail banking operation and a subsidiary of one of the top global providers of integrated financial services, ING Group of the Netherlands. ING Direct Canada needs to meet the operational demands of a growing client base, while maintaining its current staffing levels, physical space and commitment to same-day processing of accounts. The senior vice-president of operations must implement procedures to cope with the immediate challenges of the company''s growth, as well as develop a long-term strategy. Options to consider included new technology, increased efficiencies, or relaxing the same day processing requirements.
ING Direct Canada is a retail banking operation and a subsidiary of one of the top global providers of integrated financial services, ING Group of the Netherlands. ING Direct Canada needs to meet the operational demands of a growing client base, while maintaining its current staffing levels, physical space and commitment to same-day processing of accounts. The senior vice-president of operations must implement procedures to cope with the immediate challenges of the company''s growth, as well as develop a long-term strategy. Options to consider included new technology, increased efficiencies, or relaxing the same day processing requirements.