Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2003-02-14
Length: 17 pages
Data source: Field research
Quinte MRI is a small service provider of medical diagnostic technologies. After just six weeks in operation at a medical centre, the company developed an extensive waiting list, and physicians began referring patients to competing facilities. Quinte MRI''s business development coordinators must provide recommendations and an action plan to deal with this process and productivity problem in a setting with extreme variability. There is a French version available ''9B02DF24''.
Quinte MRI is a small service provider of medical diagnostic technologies. After just six weeks in operation at a medical centre, the company developed an extensive waiting list, and physicians began referring patients to competing facilities. Quinte MRI''s business development coordinators must provide recommendations and an action plan to deal with this process and productivity problem in a setting with extreme variability. There is a French version available ''9B02DF24''.