Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2002-02-22
Length: 10 pages
Data source: Field research
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Tsinghua Unisplendour Taihetong Envirotech Ltd develops electronic and environmental protection products; most notably a water free toilet. A new general manager has been assigned to the company and is faced with a number of issues including a lack of internal control systems, high operational costs, weak marketing efforts and the company is losing money. One contract that had not been finalized was jeopardizing the company's financial health. The general manager must evaluate his alternatives for dealing with this account and determine how each would affect the company's financial statements. He was also questioning whether there was a better business model for the company. There is a simplified Chinese version available '9B01BC23'.
Tsinghua Unisplendour Taihetong Envirotech Ltd develops electronic and environmental protection products; most notably a water free toilet. A new general manager has been assigned to the company and is faced with a number of issues including a lack of internal control systems, high operational costs, weak marketing efforts and the company is losing money. One contract that had not been finalized was jeopardizing the company's financial health. The general manager must evaluate his alternatives for dealing with this account and determine how each would affect the company's financial statements. He was also questioning whether there was a better business model for the company. There is a simplified Chinese version available '9B01BC23'.