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Ivey Publishing
Version: 2002-02-05
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Generalised experience
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The manufacturer of TotalMint mouthwash graded its television commercials internally to judge their potential effectiveness in the marketplace. New television commercials were shown to planned audiences and diagnostic data points were used to judge the commercial based on several criteria. TotalMint was able to assess the extent that a particular commercial was likely to drive sales by comparing the results of the test against a historical database of television commercials. The product manager for TotalMint received the raw data from the advertising effectiveness tests of the latest commercial and was ready to start the evaluation by categorizing the verbatim comments and the overall recall responses. Once tallied, she needed to compare the results to the two previous TotalMint commercials.
The manufacturer of TotalMint mouthwash graded its television commercials internally to judge their potential effectiveness in the marketplace. New television commercials were shown to planned audiences and diagnostic data points were used to judge the commercial based on several criteria. TotalMint was able to assess the extent that a particular commercial was likely to drive sales by comparing the results of the test against a historical database of television commercials. The product manager for TotalMint received the raw data from the advertising effectiveness tests of the latest commercial and was ready to start the evaluation by categorizing the verbatim comments and the overall recall responses. Once tallied, she needed to compare the results to the two previous TotalMint commercials.