Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2000-07-06
Length: 15 pages
Data source: Field research
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The newly-hired group product manager of Caribbean Foods Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Intasco Ltd, USA, and importer of Intasco''s food, bakery and pet food products) was frustrated after just six weeks in his position. He felt his creativity was being stifled and that there was no way to please his new boss; he was beginning to doubt himself. He began to consider his alternatives: Should he try to work things out? Should he change his style and just work with the system to fit into the culture of the company? Should he resign?
The newly-hired group product manager of Caribbean Foods Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Intasco Ltd, USA, and importer of Intasco''s food, bakery and pet food products) was frustrated after just six weeks in his position. He felt his creativity was being stifled and that there was no way to please his new boss; he was beginning to doubt himself. He began to consider his alternatives: Should he try to work things out? Should he change his style and just work with the system to fit into the culture of the company? Should he resign?