Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2001-11-07
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
Budget pressures were forcing Talbot University''s supply department to reduce its costs. While the workload remained high, the department head wondered how to reorganize the department and the work processes so that the work could be done within a reduced budget. Working towards a solution, he needed to apply principles of organization design to improve the efficiency of the department and then develop an action plan for the required organizational changes.
Budget pressures were forcing Talbot University''s supply department to reduce its costs. While the workload remained high, the department head wondered how to reorganize the department and the work processes so that the work could be done within a reduced budget. Working towards a solution, he needed to apply principles of organization design to improve the efficiency of the department and then develop an action plan for the required organizational changes.