Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2000-03-14
Length: 20 pages
Data source: Field research
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ClothingWorks is a nonprofit organization that provides job-ready attire for women entering the job market. After a full year of operations, the company faces a number of strategic planning options and opportunities to expand its current mandate. The co-chairperson of the steering committee, in preparing for an upcoming meeting, must examine the service concept, delivery system and performance of the organization and the merits of expansion in a service organization. Designed for a course in service management, the case raises issues concerning the unique problems faced by such organizations and the lessons that nonprofits provide to for-profit companies.
ClothingWorks is a nonprofit organization that provides job-ready attire for women entering the job market. After a full year of operations, the company faces a number of strategic planning options and opportunities to expand its current mandate. The co-chairperson of the steering committee, in preparing for an upcoming meeting, must examine the service concept, delivery system and performance of the organization and the merits of expansion in a service organization. Designed for a course in service management, the case raises issues concerning the unique problems faced by such organizations and the lessons that nonprofits provide to for-profit companies.