Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2000-12-11
Length: 2 pages
Data source: Field research
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Shortly after Fell-Fab Products went through the decision-making process of whether to move into service management in addition to manufacturing, it learned that European Airlines, one of its major European customers, would no longer purchase products directly from Fell-Fab Products. Instead, European Airlines instructed Fell-Fab Products to sell to Aircraft Interior Refurbishment. The president of Fell-Fab wondered how this information would affect his decision. This supplement to Fell-Fab Products (A) (product ''9B00D021'') raises the possibility of a strategic alliance.
Shortly after Fell-Fab Products went through the decision-making process of whether to move into service management in addition to manufacturing, it learned that European Airlines, one of its major European customers, would no longer purchase products directly from Fell-Fab Products. Instead, European Airlines instructed Fell-Fab Products to sell to Aircraft Interior Refurbishment. The president of Fell-Fab wondered how this information would affect his decision. This supplement to Fell-Fab Products (A) (product ''9B00D021'') raises the possibility of a strategic alliance.