Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 1999-02-01
Length: 4 pages
Data source: Field research
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Differences of opinion continue between Caliterra and Mondavi''s marketing team. Caliterra''s managers believed that Americans simply did not understand the difference between ''images of Chile'' and other Latin American countries. From their perspective, communications developed in California did not conform to the Caliterra vision, to ''be the quality and image leader in the super premium Chilean wine category''. This case is a supplement to Robert Mondavi Corporation: Caliterra (A), product ''9A99C004''.
Differences of opinion continue between Caliterra and Mondavi''s marketing team. Caliterra''s managers believed that Americans simply did not understand the difference between ''images of Chile'' and other Latin American countries. From their perspective, communications developed in California did not conform to the Caliterra vision, to ''be the quality and image leader in the super premium Chilean wine category''. This case is a supplement to Robert Mondavi Corporation: Caliterra (A), product ''9A99C004''.