Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 1999-11-15
Length: 11 pages
Data source: Published sources
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of franchising from the point of view of both the franchisor and the franchisee are described in this note. It also gives some guidelines for what characteristics one might look for in deciding whether a business is franchisable. It is intended as background reading for students, and could be used in conjunction with a case that involves franchising as a central issue.
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of franchising from the point of view of both the franchisor and the franchisee are described in this note. It also gives some guidelines for what characteristics one might look for in deciding whether a business is franchisable. It is intended as background reading for students, and could be used in conjunction with a case that involves franchising as a central issue.