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Ivey Publishing
Version: 2018-06-29
Length: 11 pages
Data source: Field research
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PromenAid Inc, located in Montreal, Canada, and founded in 2010, was a producer of satin-anodized modular handrails for mobility-impaired customers. The company had begun experiencing significant growth in sales in 2016. Further, the projections of the vice-president of Commercial Operations suggested explosive growth between 2017 and 2020. However, he was concerned about demand stimulation, positioning and differentiation, and choosing channels of distribution. In addition, he was concerned about the potential effect of growth on cash flow and the organizational structure. Changes had to be made to ensure the company's potential growth.
PromenAid Inc, located in Montreal, Canada, and founded in 2010, was a producer of satin-anodized modular handrails for mobility-impaired customers. The company had begun experiencing significant growth in sales in 2016. Further, the projections of the vice-president of Commercial Operations suggested explosive growth between 2017 and 2020. However, he was concerned about demand stimulation, positioning and differentiation, and choosing channels of distribution. In addition, he was concerned about the potential effect of growth on cash flow and the organizational structure. Changes had to be made to ensure the company's potential growth.