Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 1999-01-29
Length: 8 pages
Data source: Field research
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First Virtual Holdings Inc (FVHI) offers an Internet payments system based on consumers receiving and using a ''VirtualPIN'' number for online purchases instead of a credit card number. It had not been successful. Consumer apathy to the system, coupled with vendor disinterest, have prevented them from attaining the critical mass necessary to make the system viable. In response to the failure of their payments system, FVHI decided to change their focus. The company developed an interactive advertising banner, about the size of a regular Web advertising banner. The ''VirtualTAG'' is basically like a mini web page within a page. Users can click through pages in the banner without leaving the page on which the banner was found. The VirtualTAG can have multiple uses such as to provide information/facilitate transactions and internet advertising. FVHI intends to develop and license the VirtualTAG to web page administrators. They also intend to incorporate the VirtualTAG into e-mail messages. FVHI''s ideas and technology regarding Internet advertising provide a useful vehicle for discussing trends in online commerce and Internet privacy issues. May be used in conjunction with ''First Virtual Holdings Incorporated (A)'', case 9A98E007.
First Virtual Holdings Inc (FVHI) offers an Internet payments system based on consumers receiving and using a ''VirtualPIN'' number for online purchases instead of a credit card number. It had not been successful. Consumer apathy to the system, coupled with vendor disinterest, have prevented them from attaining the critical mass necessary to make the system viable. In response to the failure of their payments system, FVHI decided to change their focus. The company developed an interactive advertising banner, about the size of a regular Web advertising banner. The ''VirtualTAG'' is basically like a mini web page within a page. Users can click through pages in the banner without leaving the page on which the banner was found. The VirtualTAG can have multiple uses such as to provide information/facilitate transactions and internet advertising. FVHI intends to develop and license the VirtualTAG to web page administrators. They also intend to incorporate the VirtualTAG into e-mail messages. FVHI''s ideas and technology regarding Internet advertising provide a useful vehicle for discussing trends in online commerce and Internet privacy issues. May be used in conjunction with ''First Virtual Holdings Incorporated (A)'', case 9A98E007.