Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2000-02-10
Length: 9 pages
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Open Text is a small, startup electronic commerce company based in Waterloo, Ontario. Initially, their main product was an Internet/worldwide web ''search engine.'' Theirs was one of the first such search engines available to users of the web. There are two basic issues in the case: revenue generation on the Internet, and Internet culture. Open Text has come up with a revenue model which involves advertisers paying to have their web sites appear at the top of search engine results when ''bought'' words are included in the search criterion. It is an innovative approach to revenue generation, and a departure from the traditional ''banner ad'' model. One of the central issues of the case is whether Internet culture will allow search engine results, which are generally considered to be a free and ''honest'' resource, to be influenced by advertisers. The case also provides a useful way to examine the issue of searching for material on the web.
Open Text is a small, startup electronic commerce company based in Waterloo, Ontario. Initially, their main product was an Internet/worldwide web ''search engine.'' Theirs was one of the first such search engines available to users of the web. There are two basic issues in the case: revenue generation on the Internet, and Internet culture. Open Text has come up with a revenue model which involves advertisers paying to have their web sites appear at the top of search engine results when ''bought'' words are included in the search criterion. It is an innovative approach to revenue generation, and a departure from the traditional ''banner ad'' model. One of the central issues of the case is whether Internet culture will allow search engine results, which are generally considered to be a free and ''honest'' resource, to be influenced by advertisers. The case also provides a useful way to examine the issue of searching for material on the web.