Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 1999-03-18
Length: 8 pages
Data source: Field research
A management scientist was asked by the president of a gas production company to develop a model for allocating the gas supplied to the Petro Pipe Lines Corporation gas plant among the various suppliers, according to the terms of the gas supply contracts. The intent of the model was to minimize the penalties imposed at the end of each month on the gas suppliers as a result of daily differences between production (supply) and nomination (demand) for each contract. (A Microsoft Excel data file is available for use with this case, product ''7A98E038''.) There is a simplified Chinese version available ''9A98EC38''.
A management scientist was asked by the president of a gas production company to develop a model for allocating the gas supplied to the Petro Pipe Lines Corporation gas plant among the various suppliers, according to the terms of the gas supply contracts. The intent of the model was to minimize the penalties imposed at the end of each month on the gas suppliers as a result of daily differences between production (supply) and nomination (demand) for each contract. (A Microsoft Excel data file is available for use with this case, product ''7A98E038''.) There is a simplified Chinese version available ''9A98EC38''.