Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Darden Business Publishing
Version: March 1996
Length: 7 pages
Data source: Field research
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Because of the industry''s extremely cyclical nature, paper companies continually seek ways to cut costs while striving to maintain a unique level of customer service to distinguish themselves among competitors. This case allows students to consider how to manage the finished-goods and work-in-process inventories for a small/medium-sized company. To reach a decision concerning the Master Roll Program, students must consider customer-service target levels, inventory carrying costs, forecasting accuracy, quality issues, and worker motivation.
Because of the industry''s extremely cyclical nature, paper companies continually seek ways to cut costs while striving to maintain a unique level of customer service to distinguish themselves among competitors. This case allows students to consider how to manage the finished-goods and work-in-process inventories for a small/medium-sized company. To reach a decision concerning the Master Roll Program, students must consider customer-service target levels, inventory carrying costs, forecasting accuracy, quality issues, and worker motivation.