Subject category:
Case Method and Specialist Management Disciplines
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2000-02-16
Length: 4 pages
Data source: Field research
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The decision maker is faced with rapid growth and is aware that he requires expertise that is beyond the capability of himself and of the internal organization. He must decide how to best solve the issues that are facing him. The opportunities that an outside director can provide in technical, financial and strategic expertise are contrasted with hiring consultants, carrying on with inside directors, and the potential problems of managing outside directors on a board. (Two supplemental cases under the same name, case 9A97F003 and 9A97F004, address in sequence the issues resulting from the decision taken.)
The decision maker is faced with rapid growth and is aware that he requires expertise that is beyond the capability of himself and of the internal organization. He must decide how to best solve the issues that are facing him. The opportunities that an outside director can provide in technical, financial and strategic expertise are contrasted with hiring consultants, carrying on with inside directors, and the potential problems of managing outside directors on a board. (Two supplemental cases under the same name, case 9A97F003 and 9A97F004, address in sequence the issues resulting from the decision taken.)