Subject category:
Case Method and Specialist Management Disciplines
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2000-10-11
Length: 16 pages
Data source: Field research
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A young entrepreneur, faced with a rapidly growing company, must choose between three financing options: a bank loan, issuing stock or selling his company. The purpose of this case is to: (1) illustrate some of the alternatives available for managing a rapidly growing company; (2) teach students how to do quantitative and qualitative analysis when evaluating the appropriateness of strategic alternatives; (3) illustrate to students the operational and financial aspects involved in the transition of a small local company - stage I company (owner is the manager, flat organizational structure, limited resources) - to stage II company (team of managers, difficult to cope with basic market changes, less vulnerable to failure); (4) demonstrate the issues that develop within an organization when there are conflicting ownership goals.
A young entrepreneur, faced with a rapidly growing company, must choose between three financing options: a bank loan, issuing stock or selling his company. The purpose of this case is to: (1) illustrate some of the alternatives available for managing a rapidly growing company; (2) teach students how to do quantitative and qualitative analysis when evaluating the appropriateness of strategic alternatives; (3) illustrate to students the operational and financial aspects involved in the transition of a small local company - stage I company (owner is the manager, flat organizational structure, limited resources) - to stage II company (team of managers, difficult to cope with basic market changes, less vulnerable to failure); (4) demonstrate the issues that develop within an organization when there are conflicting ownership goals.