Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2002-04-16
Length: 9 pages
Data source: Field research
James and Serena Udderlie were preparing a loan application to the Confederation Bank of Canada. They were requesting a $160,000 term loan, in addition to an operating loan, for the potential opening of a Cow''s ice cream and clothing franchise. They needed to develop proforma income statements and balance sheets for the store''s first two years of operation. They also wondered what collateral, if any, they would be able to provide the bank to secure against a loan, and what other terms the bank might deem necessary. There is a French version available ''9A95BF27''.
James and Serena Udderlie were preparing a loan application to the Confederation Bank of Canada. They were requesting a $160,000 term loan, in addition to an operating loan, for the potential opening of a Cow''s ice cream and clothing franchise. They needed to develop proforma income statements and balance sheets for the store''s first two years of operation. They also wondered what collateral, if any, they would be able to provide the bank to secure against a loan, and what other terms the bank might deem necessary. There is a French version available ''9A95BF27''.