Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 1995-01-26
Length: 26 pages
Data source: Field research
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The general manager of Hong Kong''s Tradelink project has to decide whether Tradelink should issue a Request for Proposals to computer vendors now, or wait a few months for the Hong Kong government''s formal approval that it will grant Tradelink a monopoly to operate an electronic data interchange (EDI) service for government trade documents and take a shareholding in the company. The central issue in the case is the question of the extent to which EDI is really a strategic necessity at this time for Hong Kong. The case also provides students with exposure to the Hong Kong business environment, a basic understanding of EDI and how it works and the application of EDI to international trading practices. There is a simplified Chinese version available ''9A95EC02''.
The general manager of Hong Kong''s Tradelink project has to decide whether Tradelink should issue a Request for Proposals to computer vendors now, or wait a few months for the Hong Kong government''s formal approval that it will grant Tradelink a monopoly to operate an electronic data interchange (EDI) service for government trade documents and take a shareholding in the company. The central issue in the case is the question of the extent to which EDI is really a strategic necessity at this time for Hong Kong. The case also provides students with exposure to the Hong Kong business environment, a basic understanding of EDI and how it works and the application of EDI to international trading practices. There is a simplified Chinese version available ''9A95EC02''.