Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2008-06-10
Length: 3 pages
Data source: Field research
Supplement to the A case. On 25 October, 1992, Sabena announced its first firings and lay-offs in its history. On the evening of the downsizing announcement, Weytjens is alerted that a crowd of militant workers from another part of the company had entered the catering building to encourage the workers to join a strike action which had started earlier in the day. Weytjens had to quickly judge whether there was any better way of dealing with the situation than the accepted reaction of calling in volunteers from other parts of the company where timeliness was not as essential. Background information is provided in case 9A94M003 and 9A94M004; subsequent related cases are 9A94M006, 9A94M007, and 9A94M008.
Supplement to the A case. On 25 October, 1992, Sabena announced its first firings and lay-offs in its history. On the evening of the downsizing announcement, Weytjens is alerted that a crowd of militant workers from another part of the company had entered the catering building to encourage the workers to join a strike action which had started earlier in the day. Weytjens had to quickly judge whether there was any better way of dealing with the situation than the accepted reaction of calling in volunteers from other parts of the company where timeliness was not as essential. Background information is provided in case 9A94M003 and 9A94M004; subsequent related cases are 9A94M006, 9A94M007, and 9A94M008.