Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2002-05-24
Length: 10 pages
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The president has decided to appoint a new biochemical division head. He is concerned as to whether she, the biochemical sales manager (her husband), other division heads and key divisional personnel are prepared for the appointment. More specifically, issues relating to her present capacity for the job and the subtle resistance that other division heads may throw in her path to success would have to be dealt with effectively by the president.
The president has decided to appoint a new biochemical division head. He is concerned as to whether she, the biochemical sales manager (her husband), other division heads and key divisional personnel are prepared for the appointment. More specifically, issues relating to her present capacity for the job and the subtle resistance that other division heads may throw in her path to success would have to be dealt with effectively by the president.