Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2001-10-17
Length: 24 pages
The chairman and CEO of Imasco Limited was reviewing an acquisition proposal from one of its operating units, Hardee''s Food Systems, to purchase the Roy Rogers Restaurant chain. While he was inclined to support the proposal, he wanted to carefully weigh its broader impact for Imasco as a whole. The probable price of $390 million represented a substantial commitment of funds, at a time of slowing growth in the U.S. fast food business.
The chairman and CEO of Imasco Limited was reviewing an acquisition proposal from one of its operating units, Hardee''s Food Systems, to purchase the Roy Rogers Restaurant chain. While he was inclined to support the proposal, he wanted to carefully weigh its broader impact for Imasco as a whole. The probable price of $390 million represented a substantial commitment of funds, at a time of slowing growth in the U.S. fast food business.