Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2004-01-23
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The president and owner of a food service business, is concerned about the manner in which his industry prices goods and services. His firm has failed to meet his desired profit margin, and he wonders if there are different pricing options. This is an introductory case in the use of an activity based costing system in the marketing and distribution part of the business. There is a simplified Chinese version available ''9A91BC17''.
The president and owner of a food service business, is concerned about the manner in which his industry prices goods and services. His firm has failed to meet his desired profit margin, and he wonders if there are different pricing options. This is an introductory case in the use of an activity based costing system in the marketing and distribution part of the business. There is a simplified Chinese version available ''9A91BC17''.