Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2003-03-12
Length: 15 pages
Data source: Published sources
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The senior vice-president human resources at a large hotel chain is concerned that capable women with management potential were being overlooked for promotions in his organization. Aside from his personal convictions about promotional practices, he knew that externally imposed penalties would eventually result from non-compliance with current legislation. With the passage of Bill C-62, the need for a more pro-active approach to career development for women at the hotel has become increasingly apparent. He wonders what sort of employment equity program (if any) should be initiated to encourage more women to aspire to and succeed in executive careers. There is a French translation available ''9A88CF11''.
The senior vice-president human resources at a large hotel chain is concerned that capable women with management potential were being overlooked for promotions in his organization. Aside from his personal convictions about promotional practices, he knew that externally imposed penalties would eventually result from non-compliance with current legislation. With the passage of Bill C-62, the need for a more pro-active approach to career development for women at the hotel has become increasingly apparent. He wonders what sort of employment equity program (if any) should be initiated to encourage more women to aspire to and succeed in executive careers. There is a French translation available ''9A88CF11''.