Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Amity Research Centers
Length: 6 pages
Data source: Published sources
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This compact case provides scope to examine and discuss Facebook Inc's, (Facebook) entry into social commerce business for Executive Boardroom as well as PG participants' of Strategy and General Management. Besides, the compact case can also be useful for technology enabled services under courses in Knowledge, Information and Communications Systems. Facebook after going public in May 2012 concentrated more on growth, fearing that advertisers might not follow the users who were increasingly moving to use their mobile phones. Apparently, Facebook was becoming more and more popular as a social commerce platform with the help of influencers and brands. As a major step, Facebook, in May 2020, launched 'Shops' on its social platforms to make shopping seamless and empower anyone from a small business owner to global brands using the apps to connect with customers, particularly, focusing in the regions like India and Indonesia. The company hoped to generate revenues from advertising and offered the 'Shops' feature for free to its users and small businesses. At the end of the day, analysts wondered whether Facebook, 'Shops' with zero costs be able to generate scaled adoption and at the same time, acquire a different edge against the formidable global tech titans, like Amazon and the likes.
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses.Time period
The events covered by this case took place in 2020.Geographical setting
Featured company
Facebook Inc
Public company
Social media
This compact case provides scope to examine and discuss Facebook Inc's, (Facebook) entry into social commerce business for Executive Boardroom as well as PG participants' of Strategy and General Management. Besides, the compact case can also be useful for technology enabled services under courses in Knowledge, Information and Communications Systems. Facebook after going public in May 2012 concentrated more on growth, fearing that advertisers might not follow the users who were increasingly moving to use their mobile phones. Apparently, Facebook was becoming more and more popular as a social commerce platform with the help of influencers and brands. As a major step, Facebook, in May 2020, launched 'Shops' on its social platforms to make shopping seamless and empower anyone from a small business owner to global brands using the apps to connect with customers, particularly, focusing in the regions like India and Indonesia. The company hoped to generate revenues from advertising and offered the 'Shops' feature for free to its users and small businesses. At the end of the day, analysts wondered whether Facebook, 'Shops' with zero costs be able to generate scaled adoption and at the same time, acquire a different edge against the formidable global tech titans, like Amazon and the likes.
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses.Settings
Time period
The events covered by this case took place in 2020.Geographical setting
Featured company
Facebook Inc
Public company
Social media