Subject category:
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Published by:
RSM Case Development Centre
Length: 16 pages
Data source: Field research
Small-hold farmers; Organic farming; Farming technology; Co-operative; NGO; Activism; Frugal innovation; Grassroot innovation; Knowledge production; Knowledge sharing; Innovation design
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs):
Goal 4: Quality education;
Goal 5: Gender equality;
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth;
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure;
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities;
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities;
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production;
Goal 13: Climate action
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This case study presents an initiative for the development and innovation of alternative farming technology in the Global North. L'Atelier Paysan is a non-governmental organisation in France initiated in 2011 by a collective of small-hold farmers and organic farming activists. The co-operative supports alternative small-scale and organic farming communities and practices through technologies made by and for peasant farmers. L'Atelier Paysan posits that the current development of farming technology is led by agro-industrial firms and that their innovations do not necessarily meet the 'real' needs of farmers. In contrast, the co-operative advocates for 'peasant autonomy' through a bottom-up and decentralised innovation process. Peasant farmers and L'Atelier Paysan's technicians work together to co-innovate, document and publish open access tutorials and guides on peasant-driven technologies. L'Atelier Paysan also organises training workshops in which peasant farmers can learn how to use, build and adapt these farming technologies. Along with its online website, these workshops are key spaces for knowledge sharing, collective work and critical thinking on farm machinery. Through the close examination of this grassroots organisation's motivations and activities, the case explores some key aspects of frugal innovations, including knowledge production, knowledge sharing and innovation design.
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses.Time period
The events covered by this case took place in 2022.Geographical setting
Featured company
L'Atelier Paysan
Featured protagonist
- Anna (female), Peasant farmer
This case study presents an initiative for the development and innovation of alternative farming technology in the Global North. L'Atelier Paysan is a non-governmental organisation in France initiated in 2011 by a collective of small-hold farmers and organic farming activists. The co-operative supports alternative small-scale and organic farming communities and practices through technologies made by and for peasant farmers. L'Atelier Paysan posits that the current development of farming technology is led by agro-industrial firms and that their innovations do not necessarily meet the 'real' needs of farmers. In contrast, the co-operative advocates for 'peasant autonomy' through a bottom-up and decentralised innovation process. Peasant farmers and L'Atelier Paysan's technicians work together to co-innovate, document and publish open access tutorials and guides on peasant-driven technologies. L'Atelier Paysan also organises training workshops in which peasant farmers can learn how to use, build and adapt these farming technologies. Along with its online website, these workshops are key spaces for knowledge sharing, collective work and critical thinking on farm machinery. Through the close examination of this grassroots organisation's motivations and activities, the case explores some key aspects of frugal innovations, including knowledge production, knowledge sharing and innovation design.
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses.Settings
Time period
The events covered by this case took place in 2022.Geographical setting
Featured company
L'Atelier Paysan
Featured protagonist
- Anna (female), Peasant farmer