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It's important to completely shatter the glass ceiling as an organization, rather than placing the burden on individual women to break through on their own, punching holes one-by-one. To do this, a company needs to undergo a complete transformation of its management structure to address and eliminate gender disparities. Talent management is the basis for creating and maintaining diversity in a company. However, unconscious biases and workplace structures often give rise to second-generation gender disadvantages, which are more subtle and challenging to rectify compared to first-generation disadvantages like sex-segregated job listings. Chapter 5 explores how companies can restructure themselves to combat these disadvantages and establish a talent management framework built on principles of equity and diversity. It begins by dissecting each step of the hiring process within this new framework, facilitating the development of a more inclusive workforce. Subsequently, the chapter delves into retention, performance assessment, and compensation to ensure that the company consistently upholds these principles. This involves constantly assessing and improving company practices, gathering and reviewing data to make sure it supports efforts to diversify. The next chapter further discusses how individual managers can prioritize gender equity and inclusion in their workplaces each day. This chapter is excerpted from 'Glass Half-Broken Shattering the Barriers That Still Hold Women Back at Work’.
It's important to completely shatter the glass ceiling as an organization, rather than placing the burden on individual women to break through on their own, punching holes one-by-one. To do this, a company needs to undergo a complete transformation of its management structure to address and eliminate gender disparities. Talent management is the basis for creating and maintaining diversity in a company. However, unconscious biases and workplace structures often give rise to second-generation gender disadvantages, which are more subtle and challenging to rectify compared to first-generation disadvantages like sex-segregated job listings. Chapter 5 explores how companies can restructure themselves to combat these disadvantages and establish a talent management framework built on principles of equity and diversity. It begins by dissecting each step of the hiring process within this new framework, facilitating the development of a more inclusive workforce. Subsequently, the chapter delves into retention, performance assessment, and compensation to ensure that the company consistently upholds these principles. This involves constantly assessing and improving company practices, gathering and reviewing data to make sure it supports efforts to diversify. The next chapter further discusses how individual managers can prioritize gender equity and inclusion in their workplaces each day. This chapter is excerpted from 'Glass Half-Broken Shattering the Barriers That Still Hold Women Back at Work’.