Subject category:
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Published by:
Amity Research Centers
Length: 10 pages
Data source: Published sources
Carbon footprint; Circular model; Climate change; Net-zero water; Desalination process; Water provisioning; Water crisis; Solar energy; Innovative approach to water; Imperial college; William Janssen; Carlsberg group; Dubai Future Foundation; Silal; Renewable energy
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs):
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation;
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy;
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth;
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure;
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities;
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production;
Goal 13: Climate action;
Goal 15: Life on land;
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
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Desolenator, the world's first solar thermal desalination technology company, was the brainchild of William Janssen (Janssen). The company aimed to deliver net-zero water with a new approach to water provisioning, which was 100% solar-powered, decentralised, and regenerative. Also, the company worked with some of the leading organisations to combat global water crisis and adverse impacts of climate change. Jannsen envisioned the need for a sustainable way to clean water in both the developing and the developed countries. In this regard, Desolenator had partnered with many organisations such as Ecolog International, Carlsberg Group, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Abu-Dhabi based Silal, etc, and launched many pilot projects by using solar-powered desalination technology to produce fresh water. The projects aimed to decarbonise food production in dry climate by lowering the carbon footprint. Amidst this scenario, it remained to be seen whether Desolenator would be able to drive transformative change and ensure a water-secure sustainable future with its collaborative partnerships?
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses.Time period
The events covered by this case took place in 2024.Geographical setting
The Netherlands
Featured company
Privately held
Clean tech / Water purification
Desolenator, the world's first solar thermal desalination technology company, was the brainchild of William Janssen (Janssen). The company aimed to deliver net-zero water with a new approach to water provisioning, which was 100% solar-powered, decentralised, and regenerative. Also, the company worked with some of the leading organisations to combat global water crisis and adverse impacts of climate change. Jannsen envisioned the need for a sustainable way to clean water in both the developing and the developed countries. In this regard, Desolenator had partnered with many organisations such as Ecolog International, Carlsberg Group, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Abu-Dhabi based Silal, etc, and launched many pilot projects by using solar-powered desalination technology to produce fresh water. The projects aimed to decarbonise food production in dry climate by lowering the carbon footprint. Amidst this scenario, it remained to be seen whether Desolenator would be able to drive transformative change and ensure a water-secure sustainable future with its collaborative partnerships?
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses.Settings
Time period
The events covered by this case took place in 2024.Geographical setting
The Netherlands
Featured company
Privately held
Clean tech / Water purification